Awareness, Prevention, Education and Training Programmes
Many services offer a range of Awareness, Prevention, Education and Training Programmes (including one-off talks) that are targeted at various groups. These could include the general public, students, community and youth groups, professionals or those accessing drug or alcohol services.
Awareness Programmes:
Awareness programmes aim to develop an understanding of the effects of drugs and alcohol and the consequences of their misuse. Many services provide awareness programmes for the general public, youth groups, students, professionals, people accessing drug services and their families.
Prevention Programmes:
Prevention programmes aim to prevent the use of drugs or alcohol or limit the development of problems or further harm associated with them. They aim to develop the life skills which will help people to gain the knowledge, values, confidence, specific skills and strategies needed to make informed decisions about drug and alcohol use. Prevention efforts usually include drug and alcohol awareness and can focus on the individual or their surroundings. They can be targeted at entire populations or at groups at risk for substance misuse. Prevention programmes delivered in primary and post primary schools are in line with the Department of Education Social Personal Health Education (SPHE) Programme Policy.
Education and Training Programmes:
Some educational institutions and community groups provide educational courses or professional training in community addiction, addiction studies, drugs policy, counselling skills etc.
One off talks:
Some services offer one off talks. These talks could include aspects of awareness, prevention, education, how to support family members as well as details of drug and alcohol services.