Dublin Simon Residential Alcohol Detox Service
Dublin Simon, Residential Alcohol Detoxification Service, Watling Street, Dublin 8
Phone: (01) 6759950
Email: maryfleming@dubsimon.ie
Website: http://www.dubsimon.ie
| Detoxification Programme
Dublin North East Drugs and Alcohol Task Force
The Mornington Centre, 44A Malahide Road, Artane, Dublin 5
Phone: (01) 8465070
Email: derek@dnetaskforce.ie
Website: http://www.dnetaskforce.ie
Information | Awareness, Prevention, Education and Training programmes | Counselling and Psychotherapy
Dublin Counselling & Therapy Centre
41 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin 1
Phone: (01) 8788236
Email: info@dctc.ie
Website: http://www.dctc.ie
Information | Counselling and Psychotherapy
HIV Ireland
70 Eccles Street, Dublin 7
Phone: (01) 8733799
Email: info@hivireland.ie
Website: http://www.hivireland.ie
Information | Support | Family Support | Awareness, Prevention, Education and Training programmes | Counselling and Psychotherapy
Dublin 12 Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force
Bridge House, Cherry Orchard, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Phone: (076) 6955657
Email: amy.carroll@hse.ie
Website: http://www.d12ldtf.ie
Information | Family Support
Foróige Drug Prevention & Education Initiative
Foróige Office, The Willows, Naas Road, Newbridge, Kildare
Phone: 086-795 3215
Email: darren.shanahan@foroige.ie
Website: http://www.foroige.ie
Information | Family Support | Awareness, Prevention, Education and Training programmes
Drug and Alcohol (Addiction) Counselling
V31 E440, 28 Church Street, Listowel, Kerry
Phone: (087) 6402715
Email: eileen@innerhealingcounselling.com
Website: www.innerhealingcounselling.com
Information | Support | Family Support | Awareness, Prevention, Education and Training programmes | Counselling and Psychotherapy