Blackditch Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Phone: (01) 6546800
Email: info@familibase.ie
Information | Support | Awareness, Prevention, Education and Training programmes | Counselling and Psychotherapy
Families Matter
Unit B9, Enterprise Business Fund Centre, Ballyraine, Letterkenny, Donegal
Phone: (074) 9125598
Email: info@sfpnw.com
Website: http://sfpnw.com
Information | Awareness, Prevention, Education and Training programmes
Exchange House Ireland National Travellers Service
61 Great Strand Street, Dublin 1
Phone: (01) 8721094
Email: info@exchangehouse.ie
Website: http://www.exchangehouse.ie
Information | Support | Family Support | Counselling and Psychotherapy
East Coast Regional Drugs and Alcohol Task Force
HSE Offices, Block B, Civic Centre, Main Street, Bray, Wicklow
Phone: (01) 2744132
Email: ecrdatf@gmail.com
Website: http://www.ecrdatf.ie/
Information | Awareness, Prevention, Education and Training programmes
EAP Institute
143 Barrack Street, Waterford
Phone: (051) 855733
Email: maurice@eapinstitute.com
Website: http://www.eapinstitute.com
Information | Awareness, Prevention, Education and Training programmes
Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Outreach Project (DROP)
45 Upper Georges Street, Dun Laoghaire, Dublin South County
Phone: (01) 2803187
Email: manager@drop.ie
Website: http://www.drop.ie
Information | Support | Awareness, Prevention, Education and Training programmes | Counselling and Psychotherapy | OST | Stabilisation Programme | Detoxification Programme | Rehabilitation Programme | Aftercare | CE
Dublin Simon Residential Alcohol Detox Service
Dublin Simon, Residential Alcohol Detoxification Service, Watling Street, Dublin 8
Phone: (01) 6759950
Email: maryfleming@dubsimon.ie
Website: http://www.dubsimon.ie
| Detoxification Programme