HSE CADS (Community Alcohol & Drug Service)
CADS Treatment Centre, St. Mary's Healthcare Campus, Castlepollard Road, Mullingar, Westmeath
Phone: (044) 9395200
Email: sec.cadsmullingar@hse.ie
HSE CADS (Community Alcohol and Drugs Service) Athlone
CADS Treatment Centre, Primary Care Campus, Clonbrusk, Athlone, Westmeath
Phone: (090) 6424820
Email: sec.cadsathlone@hse.ie
HSE CADS ADAPT (Adolescent Drug & Alcohol Prevention & Treatment) Service for those who are Under 18 & Families
Phone: 087 4518358
Email: CADS.adapt@hse.ie
HSE CADS (Community Alcohol and Drugs Service) Mullingar
CADS Treatment Centre, Midland Regional Hospital, Arden Road, Tullamore, Offaly
Phone: (057) 9315801
Email: sec.cadstullamore@hse.ie
HSE CADS ADAPT (Adolescent Drug & Alcohol Prevention & Treatment) Service for those who are Under 18 & Families
Phone: 087 4518358
Email: CADS.adapt@hse.ie
HSE CADS Addiction Homeless Nurse CNM1
Phone: (087) 451 8361
Email: barry.tierney1@hse.ie
Website: http://www.hse.ie